Guggenheim Bilbao - Ballester Museum

A Pioneering Digital Experience

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Museo Guggenheim Bilbao - Ballester | Casos de éxito
SectorCulture - MuseumsTeamMarketing, Design, and Development.

The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao aims to transport and expand the experience of the physical visit to the [2020/03/15] José Manuel Ballester project to a digital platform, making it accessible from any point on the planet.

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The Connected Exhibition

LIN3S works directly with the artist and the museum to develop the concept of the digital experience while respecting the author’s and artwork’s spirit to the fullest.

Thus, the microsite was born, a virtual experience in which the LIN3S team collaborated with the artist to create a connection between the concept and the enjoyment of the physical visit. It is a unique experience that guides people through a dynamic and interactive journey, exploring galleries, themes, and connecting with the artworks.

The journey is designed vertically, in contrast to the horizontal placement of the works in each gallery, allowing the user to feel as if they are in the museum.


The contrasts expressed by Ballester in [2020/03/15] can be found in the chosen typography, as well as in the text, using key opposing concepts: full – empty, outside – inside, white – black, far – near…

The words in the artwork titles ‘move away,’ the chosen typography features forms that are either ‘full’ or ’empty’ based on the letters, and ‘full’ spaces contrast with the emptiness of certain elements.