University of Deusto

Data driven Campaigns

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Universidad de Deusto | Casos de éxito
SectorUniversitiesTeamSocial Ads, SEM and Data Analytics

The University of Deusto, one of the most well respected academic institutions in Spain with significant international acclaim, continuously faces a renewed challenge: recruit students for its diverse undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

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Knowing the customer journey

We integrated the numerous campaigns that Deusto launches throughout the year in a global action plan without losing track of any partial objective or interest group. After gaining profound knowledge of the customer journey and behaviour patterns of each type of audience and users of the University of Deusto, we were able to get a sustained evolution of the campaigns’ performance ratios.

Measure and improve

We determined very specific audience groups to increase each ad’s relevance and deliver the adequate message to each person.

We divided the results of each campaign and we took them as the base of a continued improvement process which is built on the deep knowledge of the users’ behaviour. This helped us shift the focus in a permanent way to the systematic optimization of conversion rates and the ROI of each campaign.

More than Users
More than Pages seen
More than Downloads
Leads for degrees
Impressions in degrees
Leads for postgraduate studies
Impressions in postgraduate studies